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Petey Kaneshiro

Lead Teacher

A “transplant” from New York in 1968, Anna Ruth Peterson Kaneshiro, known as Petey, began her teaching career at Kilohana Preschool in Niu Valley after graduating with a BA from the University of Hawai’i-Manoa

Erin Zitz

Educational Specialist

Erin Zitz has been part of the HNS community since 2010. She has served as a parent volunteer, PTO officer, altar guild member and is the education specialist in 2nd Grade.



Children learn by doing.  The child-centered Kindergarten classroom encourages students to take an active role in their education by participating in meaningful activities, working cooperatively with classmates, and interacting appropriately with materials.  Children are expected to work to the best of their ability and to help one another as they learn, necessitating conversation and movement about the room at appropriate times.  Every child is expected to function with limited teacher supervision:  observing rules, following directions, and taking responsibility.  Boundaries are well-established and expectations clearly articulated, allowing children to freely and safely explore, investigate, question, practice, and engage in teacher-directed and student-selected activities.  

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