Applications must be submitted by December 1 to be considered in the first round of admission decisions. Decisions by the admission committee will be made by April 15 and parents will be notified by mail in accordance with the common reply dates of the HAIS (Hawaii Association of Independent Schools). Families are given until May 10 to respond to an offer of admission. Applications will be considered after December 1 on a space available basis.
The HNS admissions birthday guideline is July 31st. Students applying to Keiki 3s should turn three by July 31st of the academic year to which they are applying, those applying to Pre-K should turn four by July 31st, and so on for subsequent grades.
The admission committee reviews the same criteria for each applicant including teacher reference reports, transcripts/report cards, parent input, and assessments and observations made during the school visit. The admission committee is comprised of faculty members representing various grade levels and the administration.
At Holy Nativity School we make every effort to make the appropriate match between the School and the student. We enroll students who are of good character, who demonstrate positive behavior, who possess a high level of motivation, who will find success in our academic program, and who will contribute their talents to the School’s community. We seek families who are committed to working in partnership with the School, and who are choosing Holy Nativity School as a long-term school placement for their child. Special consideration may be given to children with siblings attending Holy Nativity, children of faculty, alumni, and to members of The Church of the Holy Nativity. Holy Nativity School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national or ethnic origin, or disability in the administration of its educational and admission policies, financial aid and other school-administered programs.
Every grade level at Holy Nativity is considered an entry point. The number of students accepted at each grade level is contingent upon the number of current students that return for the following year. Current Holy Nativity families have until mid-March to place their tuition deposit to reserve their child’s space in the next year’s class. We grow our class sizes in the Keiki 3’s class, in pre-kindergarten, and in kindergarten, and therefore we are assured of being able to accept a few new students to these grade levels each year. We typically have a few openings at our other grade levels as well due to students moving on to other schools or relocating.
An applicant may be placed in our admissions wait pool if our Admissions Committee is not able to offer immediate enrollment. The Admission Committee will refer to this wait pool to fill any openings that may occur between May and August. If a space becomes available, the Admissions Committee carefully reviews all applicant files in the wait pool. The Committee works to create a balanced class community in which all students can find success, considering a number of variables and circumstances.
There are often more qualified applicants than available spaces at most of our grade levels. We therefore recommend that families who we are unable to offer admission to in a given year consider re-applying in the future. A number of factors including a child’s readiness for our program, a large applicant pool, and space availability all may change from year to year.
All families are welcomed to apply for financial aid. To be eligible for consideration for financial aid at Holy Nativity School, you must complete your application by March 1. Please note that neither a family’s request for financial aid information nor a family’s financial status is considered as part of the admission criteria.
We use FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment to process financial aid applications. FACTS makes quality education affordable for families by assisting schools in awarding financial aid. FACTS works with schools to collect financial data so schools to make accurate award decisions based on financial need. To apply for financial aid, visit https://online.factsmgt.com/aid.
After completing the online application, you will need to upload all required supporting documentation. HNS will communicate our financial aid decision to you.
HNS offers various tuition payment plans. Tuition Schedule for 2024-2025.